We strongly recommend that one of our trained professionals deliver and set up your unit, due to their size and weight.

We do offer an option for customer pick up which requires an *8 hour rental rate time frame and is only available for the following units listed: Castle II, Toddler Combo, 16′ Dry Slide, Joust, Baseball Shooter Combo, and Castle Slide Combo.

All other units require one of our trained staff members to deliver and set up.

Time begins after we have set the unit up and left your event or if you pick up the unit yourself then the time starts at the time of pick up.

See Pricing

How do I reserve a moonwalk or inflatable?

Toddler Combo

26’L x 15’W x5’H
Weight: 300 lbs.

Castle II

15′ L x 15’W x 15’H
Weight: 220 lbs.


15’L x 20’W x 13’H
Weight: 280 lbs.

16′ Wet/*Dry Slide

*For dry slide (the pool detaches)
32’L x 12’W x 16’H
Weight: 400 lbs.

Castle Slide Combo II

13’W x 26’L x 15’H
Weight: 280 lbs.


20’L x 20’W
Weight: 250 lbs.

Adventure Course

10’W x 36’L x 12’H

Weight: 325lbs